Happy International Women's Day- 2016

When a kid is born, the innocent eyes see the world as an equal opportunity world. The kid doesn't know whether he/she is a boy or a girl. Then the society starts discriminating and automatically the thought process is invoked on what a girl should be doing and what a boy should be doing? Who is to be blamed? Society? Well yes, you can spend your life blaming society for everything you understand and see, whether it was your mother working at home( and office, in some cases) or your father being pretentious of being in a job, OR you be a grown up kid understanding your likes and dislikes, your right and wrong and follow what your heart says.

It’s never the men who stop women from rising in their careers, it’s never the society as well that does it,  but the inhibitions that women carry as a result of the society pressures they have seen all their lives. Who needs to be blamed? Nobody, it’s the women themselves. Yes, it might take an effort, it might destroy the peace at home, it might change the way society looks at you for some time, but have you made an effort? Trust me ladies, the determination you will carry in your eyes, will break all the barriers that the society has in its mind. So, proving my point again, who is stopping you? - You, yourself.

I have myself often come across this question multiple times in my mind. You know what, should I take this initiative? Will it impact my personal time? Will it be a challenge for me to run in parallel with the responsibilities I have? Sure these are the questions each one of us face every day. Make your call, but based upon what your heart says, not what society/spouse/parents/in-laws will say. If you are ready to take the plunge and move forward, do it. The day this world sees the determination in your eyes and see you succeed, things will become easy for you. Don't stop yourself from moving ahead.

Also, the fact we are standing here today clearly means we have broken a lot of our inhibitions already and there are some special people in our lives who have supported us in reaching here. It might be our spouse/ colleagues/ parents or friends. Do not forget to send a thank you note to them today.

You have huge potential and that is why the world is celebrating you today!!!!!

Keep Smiling and Keep Shining!!


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